Thursday, 31 March 2011

Well, that wasn't supposed to happen

Last time I wrote on this blog was over a month ago, when I was about to come to Monash for my Ivor-Lewis esopho-gastrectomy.

That happened. The operation went ahead as planned and all looked good/as expected for the first few days afterwards. Things soon fell apart though.

Firstly, the join between the esophagus and the remaining stomach hadn't taken. There were holes. This is where the pain began. I was rushed off to Radiology to have a chest drain essentially rammed through my back with a local anesthetic while lying on the CT scanner on my front (bearing in mind the abdomen had only recently been closed up from the operation.) suffice it to say, it hurt - a lot. It's almost funny to remember being told by the radiologist to lie still whilst writhing in agony.

I still have that drain and associated bag attached. It's collecting a lot less fluid and gunk, so I guess that's a good thing.

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