Monday, 11 July 2011

Bloody Candida Again

For the past month, I've been coughing and sputtering from what I thought was just some run of the mill chest infection. As it turned out, it was a return of that evil candida fungus. This time, it wasn't just causing painfully annoying mouth ulcers, but being in the lungs, actual pneumonia.

I called my doctor a couple of weeks ago to tell her they the antibiotics I was on didn't seem to be working and despite being on stronger and stronger antibiotics, it seemed to be getting worse. She told me I should go to hospital for some tests and to have some IV antibiotics. That sounded like a good idea.

I called an ambulance to take me to Wonthaggi Hospital. They took lots of blood for testing and admitted me to a private room to isolate me in case I was contagious. Some tests take longer than others. The one for fungal infection took three days. So, after three days in hospital, we finally knew what to treat - candida. A course of fluconozole seemed to do the trick and both the coughing and highly coloured phlegm reduced dramatically, to the point where they sent me home. Now after finishing that course, it's starting to reassert itself already. Luckily I have another course waiting to be picked up from the chemist.

It worries me, though that it should come back so quickly after being assured by the Dr at the hospital that only one course was necessary, I appear to need more medication.

I should find out where I can get this stuff - pau d-arco. Looks like it has both anti candida and anti cancer properties.

Pau d-arco

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