Saturday 7 August 2010

Eek... surgery in 3 days!

While going happily along thinking I had another two weeks of "normal" before surgery, the hospital called yesterday to tell me that they've brought it forward to this Tuesday.

To say I'm unprepared is an understatement - practically and mentally. I had intended to give up smoking two months before surgery... mmm... So, now I'll quit when I'm IN hospital. Too late to worry about it now!

Mum and Dad have had to drop everything to come down a week earlier than planned. It sounds like it's all organised though.

Monday 2 August 2010

Date Set

My surgery has been scheduled for the 16th of August.

So, I have 2 weeks left before I start Life2.0.

I looked up some information on the operation. It's not a pretty sight. I'm glad I'll be oblivious to it all.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Scan Update

I had a CT scan a few weeks ago to see how well the chemo worked. I'm happy to report that the tumour wasn't detected in the scan. This is very good news. Now I have to go to Monash on Wednesday for a pre-admission clinic. I'm on the urgent waiting list, so am expecting to be under the knife in a week or two for my "Ivor Lewis Oesophograstrectomy".